The Band and Auxiliary Boosters is a non-profit organization to help promote and lend support to the growth and development of the musician, majorette, flag and silk corps. They encourage parent participation in the Band and Auxiliary programs.
The meetings are held the first Thursday night of each month in the SCHS Band Room at 7:00 (August-May). All Band and Auxiliary parents are welcome and encouraged to attend. During the meetings the Boosters discuss upcoming games, community events, fundraisers, and the needs of the Band and Auxiliary programs. Officers are elected and items of discussion are voted on by individuals attending the meeting, with final approval at the discretion of the Band and Auxiliary Directors. We are always in need of parents to get involved and fill any open officer positions.
Below is a list of all offices, duties and expectations. |
- Principle executive office
- Presides at all meetings
- Performs other duties that go along with the office of President
- Signs checks in the event the Treasurer and Vice-Treasurer are unable to perform the duties of that office
- Presents agenda at beginning of each meeting (all agenda items are to be given to the President no later than Friday of the week prior to the regularly scheduled meeting)
- Keeps Band/Auxiliary book updated with agenda, Treasurer report and Concession report
- Transmits SCHS Band/Auxiliary Booster Club Presidents book to the office's successor
Vice President
Acts as an aide to the President
Performs the duties of that office in the absence of the President
Keeps and accurate record of the active membership of the organization
- Keeps a record of all meetings and general membership
- Presents verbal/written report of minutes is to each member present at monthly meeting
- Carries on necessary correspondence
- Transmits all minutes, correspondence, and other records, and documents and things committed to Secretary's care to the office's successor
Vice Secretary
- Aids the Secretary and perform duties of the Secretary in his/her absence
- Assists Band and Auxiliary Directors with all mail outs and emails to organization members
- Distributes all written communication to parents and students to include but not limited to postcards, emails, etc.
- Receives all money of the organization
- Keeps an accurate record of all receipts and expenditures, and shall pay out funds only as authorized by the Board of Directors
- Provides written and verbal report to each member at monthly meetings
- Provides a yearly written report of receipt expenditures, and all assets (to be presented and approved at the last scheduled meeting for the school year)
Band Camp
- Assists Band and Auxiliary Directors in task such as but not limited to drinks, cups, etc. needed for Band and Auxiliary members during band camp and after school practices while weather is hot
Chaperone Director
- Secures and directs chaperones for all Band and Auxiliary Corps activities as needed
- Provides chaperone responsibilities contract/list for all chaperone volunteers Two
- Two Directors are suggested for this position
Social Director
- Responsible for all social activities of the Band and Auxiliary Corps that are sponsored by the Band Boosters. Events include but are not limited to the pre-game meals, Band/Auxiliary Awards Ceremony, and assistance with concert needs, newspaper ads, etc.
Sales/Fundraiser Director
In charge of all sales and fundraisers among both Band and Auxiliary members
Procures approval of fundraisers
Obtains and distributes materials among the students
Promotes and collects returned materials from the Band and Auxiliary Directors
Orders, pays for and distributes sold items
Two Directors are suggested for this position
Concession Stand Directors
Responsibilities are broken down in 3 areas
- Concession Director
- Schedules and oversees cleaning of concession stand prior to first home game, after each game and upon completion of final home game
- Orders and stocks food and items needed for running concession
- Before and after each home game three officers, Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer, Concession Director, President or Vice President
- counts starting and ending money balance
- signs off on totals
- provides one (1) copy to President for book, one (1) copy to Treasurer along with deposit slip and one (1) copy goes in concessions note book
- Worker Director
- Enlists and schedules concession stand workers
- Sends out reminder before each game either in text, email or both
- Cook Director
- Oversees the cooking responsibilities at all home games and arranges replacements when he/she cannot be there
Pit Crew Director
- Assists in placing and removing equipment on/off trailer or other transportation and transport to field
- Assists in loading equipment back to band room at home games and to trailer on away games
- Assists upon arrival back to band room (after half time at home games and from away games) to help unload trailer
Wardrobe Director
- Assists in helping with articles of the uniforms and auxiliary equipment that are in the property of the Booster Club
- Checks out items in August and checks items back in, in May or when use of items are no longer needed each year
- Keeps items owned by Booster Club in good condition, repairing, replacing and disposing of items by direction of Band and Auxiliary Directors
- Places all items belonging to Boosters Club in proper protective storage upon completion of usage for the school year.
- Two Directors are suggested for this position (preferable one Band and one Auxiliary parent)